Tuesday 13 October 2009

New Technique Can Help Diagnose Pleural Effusions Mesothelioma

New Technique Can Help Diagnose Mesothelioma
A new technique may help clinicians hone in on a diagnosis in patients presenting with a pleural effusion of unknown cause. One of the causes, malignant pleural mesothelioma, is a relatively rare cancer, but its incidence is rapidly increasing on a global scale. Currently, the first-line test for mesothelioma in patients with a pleural effusion is pleural fluid cytology, but this test is not very sensitive.

Decortication and Pleural Effusions in mesothelioma diagnosis and ...
It is by the production of too much fluid or the lack of absorption that then creates in imbalance or pleural effusion. Theere are many possible causes for this condition, including mesothelioma. It is sometimes difficult to diagnose pleural effusion correctly. The physician may have to rely on a variety of tests and procedures. Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a respiratory disease which is associated with people who have been exposed to asbestos. A chest x-ray may show a build-up of fluid or pleural effusion. Less common symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include fever, night sweats and weight loss.